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Capture that Sunkissed Feeling

Capture that Sunkissed Feeling

What reminds you most of the beach? The breeze, the sun, and the fresh scents. I can express the feeling I have when visiting the beach in one word… “Sunkissed.”

For me, the term sunkissed is a unique feeling - one that I wish to experience often. Believe it or not, the word sunkissed is indeed in the dictionary. It’s used to describe a place that receives a lot of sun, or a person whose appearance is attractive because they have recently been in the sun.

As we head into summer, we wanted to take a few moments to help you find that sunkissed feeling whether you are relaxing by the beach or stuck in the office dreaming about your next vacation.


Surround yourself with smells that make you smile. Whether that be in the form of a candle, diffuser or lotion. Just the smell of coconut takes me back to my teenage years when we would slather on the Panama Jack and head out to the beach. For you, it may be that fond memory of your first cruise, sipping that cold pina colada from the pool deck. From coconuts to lime to lavender, take the time to stimulate your senses by simply adding scents to your surroundings.

Soak It Up

The benefits of the sun stretch far and wide. Careful sun exposure is essential not only for vitamin D production but also for hormonal balancing, mood improvement, and even a stronger immune system. Go outside for a walk, so you get both your exercise and your sunshine fix. Better yet, work up a sweat to increase your endorphins and your mood.

Fun with Friends

What better way to spend the day than with the ones you love. Fun and laughter are great medicine, and there is nothing better than laughing with a friend, getting a hug or cuddling with a pet to release some much needed serotoninin the brain. Even if you can’t make that annual girl’s trip, be sure to set aside some time this summer to relax with friends.


Our bodies crave hydration, and I am not just talking about drinking water. Our skin is our largest organ, so treat it right! Look for products made with natural ingredients such as shea butter or coconut oil. Not only will these ingredients quench your thirsty skin, but the scents will put you in that sunkissed frame of mind.

This summer, remember to make time to invoke that sunkissed feeling. You deserve to live your best life whenever and wherever you are.


Check a few of our "Sunkissed" products:

Sunkissed Body Oil

Sunkissed Solid Perfume

Sunkissed Sea Salt Scrub

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